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U.S. Clinical Trials Insurance Coverage

Automatic Coverage for Clinical Trials

Clinical trial coverage is automatically included under our policy. We do not require notification, and we do not have to grant permission for a policyholder to have coverage for clinical trials starting during the policy period.

Coverage for Medical Expenses

Should test subjects require medical treatment due to their participation in your clinical trials, we will cover first aid, ambulance, medical, nursing and hospital services regardless of fault.

One-Time, Flat Charge

Our rating methodology precludes additional charges at audit for clinical trials. This means that any clinical trial conducted during the policy period is automatically covered, and there will be no additional charges for an increase in the number of test subjects or additional trials that start during the policy period. For clinical trial-stage companies, when start-dates are delayed or enrollments do not materialize as expected, we have the flexibility to extend policy periods beyond twelve months without additional premium charges.

“Compassionate Use” Coverage

We provide coverage when the doctrine of “compassionate use” prompts a clinician to use an unapproved product on a patient who is not enrolled in a clinical study.

Review Boards & Ethics Committees

Your institutional review boards and medical ethic committees have liability protection related to clinical trials you conduct. There are no additional charges for this coverage extension.

Clinical Research Organizations

Coverage for any person or organization conducting clinical trials on your behalf is available for no additional charge.